One of the great things about life in the outdoors is the opportunity to relive those moments through tales and photographs. Hunters and anglers love sitting around the campfire telling stories of past moments when everything seemed right or when everything went wrong. We often follow this up with sharing photographs of our successes.
Some people call these photographs "hero-shots". I personally frown on this title because it feels like it diminishes the animal and the event. Others refer to these photographs as "Grip-and-grin" pictures. Which is closer to the event, but still not what it should be. I guess, I just prefer to call them pictures. Seeing no need to title them. But if I have to due to necessity, I opt for the latter over the former.
Having said that, I would offer some tips on taking great pictures of your moment, your trophy and your adventure that will be a pic you are proud to show. At the end of the post, I share ten pictures that demonstrate some of the tips I share.
First let me qualify that there are many photographers that are far better than I am at taking these shots. But I do publish over 400 pictures annually for different outlets, so I have learned a thing of two about taking pictures. Most of these tips can be done by anyone with a simple telephone camera.
1. pay attention to where the sun is in relation to your subject the fish or animal. You want the best light on the animal. Never shoot a picture directly into the sun. A cross light or directly over your head is best.
2. The focus of the picture and the focus of your camera needs to be on the animal not the person. This can be done a lot of ways depending on the camera being used. Keeping the focus on the animal helps to make the animal shine.
3. Pay close attention to the background. Try and keep it as "real" as possible. Take the pictures in the field, woods or on the water. If it is a hunting picture, take the pictures where you recover your animal. The location is just as special as the animal. Avoid taking pictures in the back of trucks, on ATV's, or hanging up with blood dripping.
4. Change angles. This can be the most critical of all. Fish pictures should be taken with the fish facing both directions. Support the fish under his middle with the head to the left, and again with the head to the right. A good picture is also, from below looking up at the angler.
Take half of your pictures in landscape and half portrait.
Hunting pictures are the same. Avoid shooting pictures looking down at the animal and hunter. Get eye level with them. Squat on the ground, or lay down and take the picture looking directly at the hunter and animal. Get angles from the front, back and side. A good picture is one of the hunter approaching the deer or turkey.
Eye level angle is good for this pic. Shadow on hunters face is not, try and keep shadows out of these pics. |
7. Deer (and other big game) shots: Get pics of the animal alone where he lay. As you walk up to it, get pics so you can remember your recovery. Position the animal so it highlights the key characteristics of the animal. A clear background is best. Antlers get lost in the trees and foliage. Position so the antlers are against a clear sky. Sit behind the deer for size comparison. To make the deer look bigger sit two - three feet behind the deer. Exaggerate this too much and it diminishes the effect. Big antlers do not need a lot of enhancements, but they do need to be focused. Keep the focus of your camera on the deer not the hunter. Wipe excessive blood and keep his tongue in his mouth.
8. Fish Pictures: Fish can be the most challenging because most of the time we want to release them in a timely manner. Getting the pics fast and without harming the fish is essential. Some good pics of fish include, laying along the side of the boat and get the angler pulling the fish out of the water, and again when releasing the fish. Holding the fish by its bottom lip (If possible) with arm extended towards the photographer. Focus the camera on the fish, let the angler be blurry in the background. Keep a clear sky behind the angler. Do not take winter pics against an evergreen tree background.
Hold fish horizontal with head facing both directions. Take some with his head facing left, and some facing right.
Keep the sun at your back or at the worst to one side. Be cautious of too much shade on the anglers face. The focus is on the fish, but the angler needs to be recognizable and without shading.
Have angler remove head buff if he/she is wearing one. Keep the fish wet for any pictures. Their scales and coloration are always better when wet. Try and get at least one pic showing the background, location etc. And one with the rod and reel used to catch the fish. Make sure the angler is smiling!
9. Do not forget to take pictures of the adventure itself. One of my most favorable trips was a fly-in fishing trip in northern Canada. The pics I look at most and share the most are not of the dozens of trophy fish we caught, but of the cabin, the landscape and the terrain where we stayed. Also, pics of loons, beavers and other animals we saw while there.
The same is true of my adventure hunts. I always take hundreds of pictures of the tents, cabins, ATV's, landscape and locations where I hunt. This is as much a part of the trip as the hunt or catch.
10. Take pictures of your companions. Remember the trip for who was with you. Your son, daughter or hunting/fishing buddy. Thirty years later when you relive that moment, you want to remember all of the details and these pictures will help.
I would add this one tip. If using a DSLR, or Point and shoot camera. Get a tripod. The options a tripod gives you is so superior to what you can do without it. Being able to set the camera rock still helps to make good high quality pictures. Secondly, if in doubt, use your flash. It is never wasted. I sue it 90% of the time, even on bluebird days. Flash enables you to erase shadows, it helps highlight details of fish and mammals. And is especially great with the plumage of birds.
Capturing the moment is easier today than it has ever been. Digital photography makes every picture free. And with the quality of cameras on our phones, there is not a huge investment in equipment. Take the time, to take good quality pictures.
Focus on the turkey fan not the hunter. Low angle really enhances the picture. |
Don't forget the small game. This pic is more about the old hammergun than the squirrel, but it captures both. |
Get pictures of the animal without the hunter. A good shot of a buck on an old logging road. |
Pose your buck for a quality pic. This is a self portrait taken with a camera on a tripod using a delay shutter. |
Waterfowl have some awesome coloration. Capturing it afield is essential. This pic shows a decoy in the background to enhance the authenticity of the picture. |
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Landscape pictures help to remember where you were and what you endured while on your hunt. This pic of the plains of Montana remind me just how big the country is in this part of the world. |
Action shots are great photos as well. Here is another self-portrait fly-fishing in an autumn stream. Using a remote controlled shutter. I could set the delay from the stream. |
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A fish coming out of the water dripping shows the beauty of the fish, and action at once. |
Typical bass picture. Holding the fish by its lower lip arm extended and smiling angler. Focus on the fish, not the angler. Clear blue sky help to enhance the picture. |
Angler with a big fish is captured from the low angle. A large fish is difficult to hold, this helps to see the size of the fish as compared to the angler. |
Pictures of your tent/camp also help to remember the trip and enjoyment. |